Page 15 - Özgün Yayınları | 7. Sınıf İngilizce Defteri
P. 15

2. 2.    UNIT     SPORTS                                                              Konu Kontrol Testi - 2

               1.   “Does your father do sports regularly? sorusunun   5.   How many players are there in a basketball team?
                   olumsuz cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
                                                                         A) six              B)  fi ve
                   A)  He does sports regularly.
                                                                         C) eleven           D) eight
                   B)  No, he doesn’t sports regularly.

                   C)  No, he does sports regularly.
                   D)  No, he doesn’t do sports regularly.

                                                                     6.  Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

                                                                         A)  I always go to school.
                                                                         B)  I don’t like indoor sports.
                                                                         C)  I don’t never play table - tennis.
                                                                         D)  I usually go swimming at weekends.

                                                                     7.   •   How often do you do sports?

                                                                         •  .............................................
                   A)  I like skating but I don’t like cycling.
                                                                         A)  twice a week
                   B)  I don’t like skating but I like cycling.
                                                                         B) next year
                   C)  I like skating and cycling.
                                                                         C) yesterday
                   D)  I don’t like skating and cycling.
                                                                         D) last month

               3.   Which sports has the largest pitch?              8.

                   A) football         B) tennis
                   C)  golf            D) basketball

                                                                         What is this?
                                                                         A)  It is a newspaper.
               4.   She ....................... playing table - tennis with her
                   best friend.                                          B)  It is a letter.

                   A) hate             B) don’t like                     C)  It is a notebook.
                   C) love             D)  likes                         D)  It is a magazine.

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